Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter Blues...

I have come to the decision that I hate February! Nothing personal against the month or those whose birthday happens to fall in the month of February.
My problem with this time of the year is simply this:
It isn't spring yet!
I am a baseball fan and that means that it is spring training!
Today is the official day of Catchers and Pitchers reporting to SPRING training.
I just really like the fact that the daylight is getting longer, the warmth, and that everything starts to become green again. So once I get past February then I know that winter is ending.
The problem around here (Baltimore, Maryland) is that
we have gotten a million inches of snow and it isn't melting fast enough.
I guess I will just have to have some patience and in the mean time
I think I will dream about the SPRING.
Below are some photos of my nephew who is attempting make the USA Jr Olympic Baseball team. He is pretty great, of course I am bias!

Thanks for reading
PS. I should feel blessed though because when I lived in Buffalo there wasn't a season known as spring.


Valerie March 18, 2010 at 6:01 PM  

Ah Justin - but our snow in Buffalo is all gone this year and we didn't get near as much as you did in those last few storms. Not that I believe in jinxes ... but I do realize that this is only March and we could have more snow before our safe date of Memorial Day!

Believe it or not - Spring is my absolute favorite season - it may be short - but it is absolutely beautiful seeing all of the new life springing forth from the dry dead of winter. I think sometimes we in the Western New York area, have a better appreciation for spring - after the long hard winters.

Hope your snow melts soon.