Tuesday, December 8, 2009

O Christmas Tree

For the past 4 years my family and I have gone to cut down our own Christmas Tree. The past 3 years we have gone to the same Christmas tree farm and no matter how hard we try we end up doing the same thing every year. We walk around and spot a tree that we all agree is nice, perfect shape, and size. But for some reason we don't cut it down instead we remember where it is and fall into the curse of looking for a “more perfect” tree; only to come back to the original tree that we agreed upon.

Well, the same thing this year! We get there and we start looking for the “PERFECT TREE”. My wife and I agree on one but we decided to keep looking just in case. Then the unthinkable happens!!! My wife notices a family arrives and starts admiring “our” tree so panic kicks in. We are watching them and hope that they fall under the same find a “more perfect tree” curse. Low and behold they decide to mark the tree with a weed and some other things and then they keep looking.

Well, we nonchalantly move in to get our tree, and while we are in the middle of cutting it down the family comes around the corner. Of course we have now gotten the tree down and going through our normal traditions of pictures and being proud of our amazing find. But it was a little awkward seeing them walk around looking for their “perfect tree” only to see some strangers posing in front of it. I am sure that they found a suitable tree for their home. I think maybe next year I will just stand by our original tree and wait for my wife to walk around and come back to me!

Below are some of the photos.
I hope you enjoy the Christmas Music

Thanks for reading
~ Justin


Anonymous December 8, 2009 at 12:44 PM  

All I can say is Coco sure loves Abby. what other dag would sit so proudly and yet be mortified inside.

Sharon December 8, 2009 at 5:24 PM  

I love this story Justin, you guys are too funny! I can TOTALLY picture Becca when she became possessive of the tree...hahaha!