Tuesday, February 17, 2009

An awesome gift

So today I was checking my email and my best friend sent me amazing gift (shown below)

The photo is what I think he used... I am not sure though...

Here is what Jayme Brandt wrote to me and I thought it would be neat to share with you....

"I made it a while ago...But I wanted to wait until time had passed, until you missed him like crazy and maybe could use a little reminder.I drew it from a photo but I am not sure where the photo came from.I always thought of him and your mom as the main reason you have so much confidence and passion in life!"

Thanks for Reading
~ Justin


Anonymous February 17, 2009 at 1:39 PM  

Another tearjerker from the Heim files. Thank You Jayme, you are one of the most talented guy's I know. and thank you for the Blessing.

Deanna @ oneagleswings February 17, 2009 at 2:46 PM  

Gorgeous. I love the work he did.

Once I clicked on the picture and made it bigger, I could see the words that come down from the 'shoulder'. Then I cried for you.